25 January 2009

Hablo espanol malo, si?

I'm not sure what it says about the town of Franklin that the Thai restaurant, Cajun restaurant, and Mexican grocery store are all shoved into the same shopping center. Either it's a xenophobic effort to get these businesses away from the Main Street tourist-shopping haven, or an attempt to create Franklin's first ethnic district (btw, is it PC to say "ethnic district?")

Anyway, I found a $5 Lotería set, so I'm happy.

And my favorites:

Evidently, a catrin is a pretentious high-society person (or, as my dictionary translates, a "toff"). I'm still not sure how this correlates to his being green.

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Update: El catrin might also be translated as "dapper man", and the green-skin seems to be an inking error since it is inconsistent with other Loteria sets. That is all.

13 January 2009

Tricks Done With Light and Buttons

I promise these post will eventually be more exciting. Or at least that they can't get any more boring.

11 January 2009

Et cetera.

400 Miles is a Long Drive Inside a Car.

This is why us mountain folks are better then everyone else. We get to see this shit all the time.

Of course, some of us are better at taking pictures of it. But I'm learning.

06 January 2009

Mandatory Japhy Post

My friend Megan makes fun of people who only take pictures of their pets. I'm trying not to be one of these people, and I appreciate that not everyone enjoys looking at my cat. But whatever, he's pretty.

If you can't tell from this last picture, it's raining again. Good for my maple tree, not so good for my mood or my driving...

05 January 2009

Acer Rubrum

Our newest addition:

With pretty red bark:

And in case you didn't notice, it's no longer grey!

04 January 2009

Lazy Sunday

I spent today watching May guard her bone that she won't eat. And I took pictures of it. Still less boring than college.

Missing Color

These are old, but considering how grey it's been here lately, I wanted some color.

I’m sleeping in a fighter plane. I’m sleeping going down the drain.

Jen's(?) toy planes.

Gang Initiation

Cici's in Aville should be complimented for having one of the finest temporary tattoo selections I have seen.

I'm trying to avoid Myspace but check it.