25 January 2009

Hablo espanol malo, si?

I'm not sure what it says about the town of Franklin that the Thai restaurant, Cajun restaurant, and Mexican grocery store are all shoved into the same shopping center. Either it's a xenophobic effort to get these businesses away from the Main Street tourist-shopping haven, or an attempt to create Franklin's first ethnic district (btw, is it PC to say "ethnic district?")

Anyway, I found a $5 LoterĂ­a set, so I'm happy.

And my favorites:

Evidently, a catrin is a pretentious high-society person (or, as my dictionary translates, a "toff"). I'm still not sure how this correlates to his being green.

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Update: El catrin might also be translated as "dapper man", and the green-skin seems to be an inking error since it is inconsistent with other Loteria sets. That is all.

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